The development of the IDS-2 is a special project for the Hogrefe team and our publishing companies located across 15 countries in Europe, the USA, and Brazil.
To celebrate the development of this exceptional assessment in our languages we held a photoshoot to create unique marketing materials. We hope you enjoy watching the video we created that day as much as we (and the children) all enjoyed making it!
Talk to us about IDS-2 at one of the following conferences to learn more, or you can keep in touch by contacting us via the form provided.
The IDS-2 is now available in UK English, Italian, Polish, Dutch and German, with additional adaptations due soon.
All professionals using the IDS-2 can have access to a global database for research on children and adolescent psychological development.
Typical uses of the IDS-2 include the identification and diagnosing of intellectual disabilities and learning disorders, as well as the evaluation of cognitive and motor skills.